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Rockstar in 30 Days.

30 Day Indie Artist Jumpstart
One time

Get all of your ducks in a row for a successful music career in just 30 days. No more wondering what to do in order to collect all of your royalties or how to find more fans.!

✓ Market your music more effectively
✓ Get all of your income streams generating money
✓ Free "Social Media for Artists Jumpstart"
✓ Free "Recording Sweet Vocals at Home" eBook
✓ 2 Free Masterclasses

It takes more than simply making music.

If making a living with music was easy, everyone would do it. If it was impossible, how could music permeate everything about our culture? The key to having a music career is having your ducks in a row. That’s what this Jumpstart will do for you.

What you’ll accomplish in 30 days

Meet your instructor

Becky Willard

Thirty years in the music industry have taught me a few things. The first 3 years is the absolute hardest and that’s because most of us don’t know what we’re doing. This 30 day Jumpstart is meant to help you get all the fundamentals in place. This phase often takes artists years to figure out.


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Enroll Now ☆

What are you waiting for?

30 Day Indie Artist Jumpstart
One time

Get all of your ducks in a row for a successful music career in just 30 days. No more wondering what to do in order to collect all of your royalties or how to find more fans.!

✓ Market your music more effectively
✓ Get all of your income streams generating money
✓ Free "Social Media for Artists Jumpstart"
✓ Free "Recording Sweet Vocals at Home" eBook
✓ 2 Free Masterclasses